Saturday 20 March 2010

the 10 dresses project

For my final i created a series of 10 dresses made from recycled materials and re-using old garments.

This 1 was created from a size Anne Harvey shirt found for £1 in a local charity shop which I shredded it down to fit me. I combined the left over shreds with paper and wire to create a shoulder piece. Please forgive the pouty grumpy look throughout these photos.

I found a full length beaded fishtail dress in a charity shop for £7. It was slightly too big but i cut out the lining leaving the completely beaded outer layer. I have no idea what the white fabric is made of it had a shiny plastic feel to it and was found in a skip. I cut up the bottom of the dress causing it to fan out and stitched this white material in between the gaps causing it to puff out.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

1st Costume

I have decided to upload these pictures of my first costume. This is the final outcome of the garment i made for Marina Sossi of Marina sossi group for her Shakuhachi & Butoh performance at the Bath Fringe festival of 2009. This was a very successful collaboration and a great experience for me as to what it would be like to work in this field. I have been inspired ever since. I enjoy the idea of designing and collaborating with others combining feedback and ideas to produce a strong outcome. Let me know what you think.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Anybody want a costume design intern?

As a fashion Textiles design Student, we are encouraged to seek work experience in our second year. This can be anytime from June 21st 2010 - Sept 2011. I am looking for and internship in costume design and will happily travel anywhere in the world to get one.

I have a few applications going through at the moment with companies in California and Los Angeles. However, i am constantly on the look out for more opportunities in case any of these fall through. I have a sound knowledge in many different printing techniques such as heat transfer, silk screen etc. As well as being able to both hand and machine knit in order to be able to create innovative knit pieces. Further more i am confident at using sewing machines (industrial and domestic), overlocking machines, pressing and finishing seam as needs be.

I am extremely enthusiastic when it comes to creating dgarments and have had 1 previous encounter with costume design. So if anybody had any ideas or would like to help me out please get back to me

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Who has a friend that Twitters everything?
I do!... It irritates the crap out of me! so i thought this blogging idea was better. Although atm i dont have any followers? hmmm...

Anyway... rant over

my new project: opposites attract. I'm going for ancient and futuristic, my muse is a sort of gothik biker chick and im going with a colour scheme of black to give me limitations. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.

Also Im very excited to be visiting Stratford Park on Sat 8th may. As part of the Stroud Textiles Festival Graham Cottenden will be giving an illustrated talk on 'costume for the theatre'... My favourite Subject! yay!

I've never been so excited at the thought of visiting Stroud!
Well that was my first blog over! thankyou :)