Wednesday 19 May 2010

Opposites Attract

I thought I'd give you guys a brief update of my final project. The Title was Opposites Attract. The opposites that i chose to look at were Ancient vs Futuristic. This covered everything from skyscraper buildings and neon colours to myths, gods, gold and jewels. Eventually i focused my research down the bird gods of egypt and began to look at the heiroglyphics and statues depicting these. I then began to look more closely at the actual birds that were represented.... Falcons, Vultures, sparrows....

The pictures shown are of my attempt to re-create some of the textures, colors and patterns that can be found on some of these birds in knit. The pink one is taken from the stubbly pink head of a Lappet Faced Vulture, (Below Top) and the grey from the 'blobby' skin around the head of a King Vulture (Below Bottom)

Along with creating fabric samples i have also created many jumbled up garment designs. Below is one of my favourites as well as some more fabric samples which i am currently developing to use for the final garment!!... I hope you've enjoy this post... Time for some more sampling i think!


Please leave a comment.... positive criticism is always welcome